Monday, March 3, 2014

Scout Sunday

On March 16th, Troop 231 will observe Scout Sunday at First Presbyterian Church.  The Scout Law says that a "Scout is Reverent" and all scouts Promise to "Do Their Duty to God".  These values strengthen youth character in their family, community, and faith.  Scout Sunday is an opportunity for scouts of Troop 231 to raise awareness of scouting within the church, show our appreciation for the church's support of the scouting program, and allows the scout to live out parts of what is pledged every week.   The troop will be assisting with church services during the morning worship and afterwards,  hold a spaghetti lunch in the fellowship hall.  Donations received during the luncheon are split among the participating scouts to help towards their costs of scout camp.

More information to come regarding Scout Sunday during our regular troop meetings.

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