Monday, September 22, 2014

Carolina Beach Fishing Trip, Sept. 26- 28th

On Friday, Sept. 26, we will be heading to Carolina Beach State Park on the NC Coast, for a 2- night outing.  We will be camping within the state park at a group camp site near the intercostal waterway.  We will also spend Saturday deep sea fishing for black sea bass, porgies, grunts, and sharks.  Scouts who participate will have the opportunity to earn their fishing merit badge on this trip.  We will leave the church Friday morning and arrive back in Hickory on Sunday afternoon.

What: Carolina Beach camping trip. The State Park is a 761-acre triangle of land known as Pleasure Island, located between the Atlantic Ocean and the Cape Fear River. This will be a 2-night car camp on the inter-coastal waterway in a developed campground.  Facilities include grills, picnic tables, pit toilets, and showers nearby.  The beach is within a short drive of the campsite.

When: Friday, Sept. 26 to Sunday, Sept. 28th.  We will leave the church Friday at 10am.  Friday is a teacher workday for students in Hickory City Schools.  We will return Sunday afternoon.  Scouts will be able to call for a ride as we near Hickory.

Equipment/Gear: Each scout will need to bring their own personal gear and mess kit.  This list  includes:  sleeping bag, clothing (remember to layer), toiletries, camp stove (if you have one), mess kit, sunglasses, rain jacket, sun protection, bug spray, a hat, swimsuit, and towel.  Please wear your Class A uniform for travel on Friday and Sunday.  Troop tents will be distributed Friday morning.

Food/ Meals:  We will be cooking our own meals.  Please eat a good breakfast Friday morning.  We will stop for lunch on the way to the beach.  We will be responsible for dinner Friday night,  3 meals Saturday, and breakfast Sunday.  We will also stop for lunch on our return to Hickory.  Meals have been planned at the troop meeting last Tuesday night, and food costs have been included in the trip cost, except for money for fast food stops en-route.

Cost:  Cost for this trip will be $90 per person, which includes van rental, meals at the beach, fishing fees, and camping fees.  Additional money for fast food lunches to and from the beach will be needed, as well.

This will be a terrific outing for the scouts.  The adult leaders of the troop have been planning for this trip since the beginning of the year.  We made this trip several years ago, and we've been looking forward to returning.  I hope everyone that wants to go can make it this weekend.

Call or email me or Mr. Webber if you have any questions.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Jackson W. Earns Eagle

Congratulations to Jackson W., Troop 231's newest Eagle scout!  Jackson successfully completed his Eagle Board of Review and his Eagle Leadership Project will benefit the Cooperative Christian Ministry of Hickory.  Nice job, Jackson!

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Panthertown Valley

The next camping trip for Troop 231 is scheduled for June 7th and 8th.  We will be camping and backpacking in Panthertown Valley of the Nantahala National Forest, in Jackson County near the town of Cashiers, NC.  Panthertown Valley is a unique area that is revered by ecologists as well as hikers.  There is a network of hiking trails leading to at least 8 major waterfalls and as well as multiple smaller ones along several streams that course through the 6700 acres of federal forest land that form the headwaters of the Tuckasegee River.  The valley is also home to a rare southern appalachian bog containing varieties of plants found only in this area. There are also granite domes and spectacular cliff faces that frame the valley, leading some to describe Panthertown Valley as the "Yosemite of the East". It is our goal next weekend to do some day-hikes, find some waterfalls, and break out the field guides and do some identification.

Additionally, we tentatively plan on visiting either Turtleback Falls in nearby Gorges State Park or Sliding Rock, both of which form natural rock slides, for some swimming and sliding prior to our return trip home on Sunday.

Our schedule is as follows:

Dates:  Saturday, June 7th and Sunday, June 8th.

Times: Meet at First Presbyterian Church at 8am, depart at 8:30.  It will be a 2.5 hour drive to Panthertown, so we should arrive in the area at about 11am.  We will be stopping for lunch in Brevard, which has several fast food restaurants.  On Sunday, we should be returning to Hickory around 5-6 pm.  Scouts will be able to call parents as we are getting close to town.

The church buses will be available to us this weekend. Please let the leaders know soon who will be in attendance on this trip, so that we can plan accordingly.  Parents are welcome to join us as well.  Please let us know if you are planning to attend.

Places: We will be arriving to Panthertown after stopping for lunch on Saturday.  We will hike down into the valley approx. 1/2 to 1 mile and set up basecamp near Schoolhouse Falls.  We will day-hike (without heavy packs) to several other falls and granite domes.  It will be important to practice "Leave No Trace" principles while in this area.  This means staying on the trail as much as possible, avoid damaging the native plants, trash management, etc.

  • Folding knives and multi-tools only! No straight blades.  
  • Two scouts per tent.  
  • We will be cooking over camp stoves this trip, but we'll build campfires if wood is available.
  • 2-3 liters of water.  If you have a drawstring bag, you could use it to hold water and stuff on our day-hike.  If you would like to bring more soft drinks and leave in the vehicles for the return trip, that is fine.
  • Headlamp or small flashlight
  • Sleeping bag 
  • Drawstring bag/Camelbak to day-hike 
  • This is bear country, and we will be bear bagging our food.  Don't leave food/snacks in tents.  As with gatorade and sodas stored in the vehicles, extra snacks can be stored in the vehicles.
  • Bring your swimsuits for playing below waterfalls and on our stop at Turtleback or Sliding Rock.  Watershoes wouldn't be a bad idea for Sunday.
  • Bring mess kits. We will be cooking individually, so you will need your cups, utensils, etc. If you do not have a camping stove, don’t worry, there will be enough to borrow and the older scouts will be able to assist the younger scouts prepare their meals.

Clothing:  Plan to bring 2 pairs of shorts or pants, 2 shirts (nylon or Under Armour type material that dries quickly is preferred over cotton), light fleece jacket, 2 pairs of socks, underwear, rain jacket, hat, sunscreen and bug repellant, swim suit, and extra pair of shoes that can get wet (Tevas or water shoes).

Meals: We will be stopping at a fast food restaurant in the Brevard area for lunch on Saturday and also stopping for fast food on our way home Sunday.  Please bring money for these meals.  You should plan to bring food for dinner Saturday night and breakfast on Sunday morning, in addition a light snack for lunch.  Dinner ideas for new scouts are Raimen noodles, Easy Mac and Cheese, foil- packaged tuna or chicken, granola, fruit, or dried meat.  Breakfast ideas include oatmeal, grits, granola/ fruit bars, etc.  Please put your food in a ziplock bag with a spare ziplock inside (for your trash), and label it with your name.

Money: Costs for the weekend should include fast food for 2 meals (Sat. lunch and Sunday dinner). 

Details will be finalized once we know how many will be attending and as we near next weekend.  You may also check the troop’s website, www.  This has been a very popular trip for our troop in the past. It should be a great experience for our scouts and hopefully we'll have cooperative weather.  

Call or email Mr. Roberts ( or Mr. Webber ( if you have any questions.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Curtis Creek Campout

On Saturday, April 5th, we will be camping in the Curtis Creek area of the Pisgah National Forest near Old Fort, NC.  Curtis Creek is a quiet, tranquil area that is designated as hatchery supported  and a delayed harvest section of NC trout waters, as well as sections of wild trout waters.  Its a beautiful area at the foot of the Black Mountains section of the Appalachians.  Curtis Creek was the first part of 8,100 acres purchased as national forest east of the Mississippi following the passage of the Weeks Act of 1911 that protected watersheds.  For several of our scouts, this will be the first time out as a Boy Scout and we are excited to have what appears to be great weather for our trip.  We will be camping in designated campsites next to the stream and will be able to "car camp".

What: Curtis Creek camping.  We will be able to camp within the vicinity of our vehicles on this trip.  There are designated campsites that are adjacent to Curtis Creek.  Water is available as well as vault toilets.  Nearby are several opportunities to hike and fish public trout waters.  Curtis Creek area is approximately 1 hour from Hickory near Old Fort, NC.

When: Saturday, April 5th to Sunday, April 6th.  We will meet at First Presbyterian Church at 9:30 and return to Hickory on Sunday around 1 pm.  Scouts can call for a ride as we are returning to Hickory.

Gear/Equipment:  This will be a car camping trip.  Each scout will need to bring his own personal gear and mess kit.  For new scouts, a mess kit is a pot/plate/cup that is made of metal that you can cook and eat from.  Examples of a mess kit are this or this.  Walmart also has a mess kit made by Coleman Max for around $20 that's made of aluminum that cleans easily and works great.  Other personal equipment needed are: sleeping bag, clothing (remember to layer and if you're plan is to get wet-- extra dry clothes), toiletries, camp stove (if you have one-- younger scouts can borrow one form an older scout), rain jacket, bug spray, and a headlight or flashlight.

Meals:  We will be cooking our own meals.  Please eat breakfast Saturday morning prior to the trip and pack a bag lunch for Saturday.  We will be patrol cooking Saturday's dinner and Sunday's breakfast.  Scouts needing to meet cooking requirements, please be in attendance on Tuesday night to plan the menu.  Costs for meals will be determined on Tuesday night and scouts will need to bring money to cover the cost of their food on Saturday morning.

Cost: Scouts need to plan to bring $5 for camping fees plus food cost, which will be determined on Tuesday. It is important that you let us know if you will be attending the campout, so that we can plan menus and food cost accurately.  Scouts may bring a few extra bucks to pick up a snack at a gas station (not Mickey D's!) on the way home Sunday.

I hope that everyone plans on attending.  If you decide to fish, please be aware of the trout water regulations because there will be Wildlife Officers in the area (single hook only, no live bait, over 16 must have a fishing license)!  Any questions, please call or email me.  Thanks!


Monday, March 3, 2014

Scout Sunday

On March 16th, Troop 231 will observe Scout Sunday at First Presbyterian Church.  The Scout Law says that a "Scout is Reverent" and all scouts Promise to "Do Their Duty to God".  These values strengthen youth character in their family, community, and faith.  Scout Sunday is an opportunity for scouts of Troop 231 to raise awareness of scouting within the church, show our appreciation for the church's support of the scouting program, and allows the scout to live out parts of what is pledged every week.   The troop will be assisting with church services during the morning worship and afterwards,  hold a spaghetti lunch in the fellowship hall.  Donations received during the luncheon are split among the participating scouts to help towards their costs of scout camp.

More information to come regarding Scout Sunday during our regular troop meetings.

Merit Badge University

Merit Badge University will be held on Saturday, March 8th from 9am until 3pm at Gaston College in Dallas, NC.  This will be a great way to earn a more difficult merit badge in a short period of time. This is a popular event and many of the scouts choose to sign up for an Eagle required merit badge.  There will probably be some pre-requisites involved if a scout wishes to earn the merit badge by the end of the day.  Your adult scout leaders can help you find out what is required prior to attending MBU, and help you get started on the merit badge.

Many scouts have already signed up for their merit badge classes.  If you plan to attend and haven't signed up for a class, you need to let one of the scout leaders know as soon as possible.  The cost for MBU is $15, which includes your lunch for the day.  You can bring your payment either on Tuesday night or Saturday morning.  Please try to either bring a check to the troop or exact change, if at all possible.  Each scout will also need to have a parent sign a consent form, as well.

We will meet at the church at 7:45am on Saturday and return to Hickory around 4pm.  Scouts can call home for a ride as we are getting close to Hickory.  We look forward to seeing you on Saturday!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Aviation Merit Badge

On Saturday, Feb. 1st, the troop will be participating with the EAA Young Eagles program at the Hickory airport and have the opportunity to earn the Aviation merit badge.  This will be a great chance to earn an awesome merit badge!  Part of the course will include the chance to to take a short (15-20 min) flight with a fully credentialed pilot from the Hickory area.  We will meet at the airport at 9am and should be able to complete the merit badge sometime shortly after lunch.  There is no cost to participate and other activities will include a visit to the Aviation Museum and the air traffic control tower at the airport.  The Cafe at the airport has a special low-cost lunch deal for the participants of the Young Eagles Program.

However, I need a headcount for them to make arrangements for enough planes and pilots needed.  So, please respond to me via email to let me know if your scout will be there.



Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Beech Mtn Ski Trip

Our next activity will be a ski trip to Beech Mountain Ski Resort on Sunday, January 26th.  We will leave the church at 8am on Sunday and return to Hickory around 4:30- 5pm.  The cost for this event is $54 to ski or $57 to snowboard.  This cost includes equipment rental, lift ticket, lunch, and a lesson (normally a $95 value).  Please try to bring exact change, if possible, or bring a check made out to PIEDMONT COUNCIL BSA. We had lots of fun last year skiing at Beech and I hope everyone will be able to make it  this year.  Parents, siblings, and friends are welcome to join us.  Invite a friend to scouting!

If able, please send me an email to let me know if you are attending so that we can ensure enough vehicle space.  Thanks and see you Sunday before 8am.