Monday, April 15, 2013

No Troop Meeting for April 16th

We had a great time at Hart Square this past weekend.  Thanks to the Hart family for their hospitality and allowing us to visit their village.  Congratulations to the troop's new OA candidates- Jackson, Carson, Baylor, Patrick, and Will.  I'd also like to welcome the newest members of our troop-- Peter, Charlie, and Elijah!  These guys are ready to have fun with their friends and do some cool stuff in scouting.

We will not meet tomorrow night, but will meet again next Tuesday, April 23rd.   Please continue to sell scout cards.  If you want more to sell, please let me know and I can get you more cards.  Remember, sell 10 cards and your Scoutmaster gets a new, aerodynamic haircut for camp!

Please mark Saturday, April 27th on your calendar.  We are planning to go to the National Whitewater Center in Charlotte.  I will send out more information about this trip soon.

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